Youā€™ve coordinated the materials, the visuals, the audio, the video, all of it in the best way to provide your audience with the absolute best experience.Ā
But who is managing the vibration and energy of your event? Setting and holding the space? Clearing out the energy from the previous events, setting the energy for your event, keeping the energy flowing through out the entire time? Who is helping you create and manage your own personal energy, helping you set and hold energetic boundaries for your self so you don’t take on your audiences “stuff” and aren’t energetically exhausted after?
I was at an event a while ago. An AMAZING event where so much growth and transformation was occurring. We could all see people’s lives being transformed in front of us. The entire morning and early afternoon was so uplifting until…
About mid-afternoon a group of my empathic friends and I felt it. The energy in the room got “thick”. Instead of joy we felt a bit of anxiety and a lower energy. I don’t mean a post-lunch carb crash. I mean the energy came to a stand still in the room, and what was high vibrating positive energy before was replaced with the heavier energy of all that had been processed earlier in the day.
I think we have all sensed it before. Everything is going great and then the energy in the room shifts. We see it all the time in relationships, family dynamics, smaller parties. The same is even more true with larger groups and especially any event that is asking an audience to be more than they were when they entered. To let go of what is no longer serving them. To take a step into a something they may have never done before.
I see it like an “energetic sewer system.” To let go of what has held someone back, to step into what is waiting for them, to do what they are trying to do, heavy energies work their way out. Energetic “fecal matter” is one way to say it. Clapping, breaks, exercises, shaking a neighbor work to break it up a little. What’s actually needed is an true energetic framework to clean out the old residue before the event begins, energize and protect the speaker before they begin, and to keep the ugly stuff flowing out during the entire event.
My name is Dr. Morgan Oaks. I’m a transformational speaker, a chiropractor, and a shamanic practitioner. I’ve spent the last 13 years learning about energy and transformation. I’ve spent that time studying from one end of the spectrum to another to make my life and the lives of those around me, greater. Human health and energy, quantum physics, shamanism, energy work, ceremony, initiation, healing work, High Performance Coaching, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), house and business blessings, and soul work.
I’ve also been to A LOT of seminars. I follow what is being taught, as well as how it is being taught, and received. How the energy moves through a room and through a crowd.
That's where this work was born.
Tiamo De Vettori - Fearless Speakers Emergence
"I had Dr. Morgan come out and assist me with one of my events, and let me tell you, that guy is amazing. If you are looking for someone who can set extraordinary space for your events, that can put together an environment where everyone will have what ever transformation they are wanting to create and will have what ever results they are wanting to have, even from an energetic perspective, laying that foundation is so important. Let me just tell you it was an extraordinary event! I would suggest you hire Morgan!"
"Dr. Morgan's ability to hold space and maintain a place for transformation happened all during the weekend, but especially when I had a major technical snafus full of error messages that almost derailed the process. I felt Dr. Morgan hold a supportive space for true vibrational miracles to happenā€¦ I still feel the reverberation of his influence to this day and cannot recommend Dr. Morgan enough if you want transformation to happen at your event."
We all feel when a seminar goes sideways. When the energy shifts. Before or after a key process. Before the transition to the sale or offering. After one person goes through a process so big the entire room is moved. I can see when the energy starts to side-track. I can see it coming and know how to set it right. I can sense when the message sent from the stage is not what is being received in the audience. I feel the flow of an event and am excited to make sure YOUR message lands in the hearts and minds of YOUR audience.
So what do I do for you?
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